Adan Chairez Guillen

Living donor: 10/17/2023

Alejandro Salazar-Martinez

Recipient: 04/21/2023

Alison Dorsey

Recipient: 08/06/2023

Amissa Meeks-Myers

Recipient: 01/25/2023

Andria Crater

"She loved to bring joy to her friends and family. She will always be remembered by her beautiful smile." - Alexander Crater, Brother

DOB: 10/16/1982 | Donor: 09/26/2023

Angel Gutierrez

Recipient: 02/15/2023

Ava Nickerson

Living Donor: 12/21/2023

Beatrice Dollar

Recipient: 08/30/2023

Beatrice Kruse

Recipient: 03/21/2023

Bennie Soulivong

Recipient: 09/12/2023

Branden Raquel

"This transplant gave me an opportunity at life again. I can now do family trips, create my own family, and live life to the fullest. Thank you for giving me a second chance to do life, to create memories with my friends and family without the worries of dialysis."

Recipient: 12/13/2023

Brian Burnett

Recipient: 09/16/2023

Carter Collier

Recipient: 01/27/2023

Charles "Chas" Morse

"I will never be the same. I was so encouraged to make a difference in someone else's life."

Living Donor: 12/21/2023

Chuck Bailey

"He was always the sparkplug in the room. He loved people and helping others. He had recently gotten involved in prison ministry that he was very passionate about. His joy came from faith, family, friends, community, and giving and doing for others!" - Becky Bailey Montgomery, Wife

DOB: 08/28/1947 | Donor: 07/30/2023

Colby Gaskey

"Colby had beautiful hazel eyes and an infectious smile. His favorite thing was traveling with his wife. He loved supporting his kids in their endeavors." Heather Gaskey, Wife

DOB: 11/11/1984 | Donor: 08/06/2023

Cynthia Hatch

Recipient: 06/03/2023

Daniel Tagle

Living Donor: 05/25/2023

Devante Beans

Recipient: 12/28/2023

Donald Mark Johnson

Recipient: 06/26/2023

Emma Hunt

Recipient: 02/26/2023

Gabriela Andrade

Recipient: 12/14/2023

Glen Mitchell

"Glen did everything he did for the babies (the little guys!), He also loved classic cars." - Susan Mitchell, Wife

DOB: 01/24/1960 | Donor: 02/22/2023

Gregory M. Clark

"My husband loved Jesus, his family, and being a grandpa. He was the most generous person ever!" - Kathy Clark, Wife

DOB: 08/31/1962 | Donor: 04/04/2023

Jacob Trevino

"This helped me further realize that giving is much more rewarding than receiving."

Living Donor: 12/22/2023

James Matchett

Recipient: 01/12/2023

Jason Chairez

Recipient: 10/17/2023

Javier Anguiano

Recipient: 11/29/2023

Jeremiah Lerma

Recipient: 11/22/2023

Joe Hinojosa

Recipient: 06/05/2023

Jolynda Garcia

Recipient: 10/26/2023

Judy Kathy Knowles

Recipient: 12/20/2023

Kimberly Sager

"I wanted to see my brother be healthy again. I feel great and my health has been great since the donation."

Living Donor: 10/10/2023

Komaneque "KK" Rigsby Thompson

Recipient: 05/09/2023

Lauren Darling

"Lauren had a smile that would light up the room and the best belly laugh. Her favorite thing was being a wife, mom, and dog mom." - DeDe Hoak, Mother

DOB: 10/12/1986 | Donor: 05/29/2023

Leaha Anguiano

"I felt good knowing I was not only saving a life, but that it was my husband's life. It was an easy decision knowing that I could provide someone a better, healthy life."

Living Donor: 11/29/2023

Linda Hoskins

Recipient: 07/18/2023

Logan Cheek

"Logan was a caretaker by nature. They always went the extra mile to make everyone feel safe and loved. Logan was a fun, free-spirited soul who believed in the power of art and performance to express their true self." - Laura Cheek, Mother

DOB: 11/09/1995 | Donor: 11/17/2023

Louise Bailey

"The recipient and I were friends for 40 years. Seeing her pain and realizing everything she had to deal with for her dialysis made donating the right thing to do."

Living Donor: 12/20/2023

Mark Best

Recipient: 12/21/2023

Mark Walters

Recipient: 02/26/2023

Mason Williams

Recipient: 12/22/2023

Matthew Morton

Recipient: 05/31/2023

Michael Holmes

Recipient: 02/20/2023

Michelle Lee Horrell

"She was kind, empathetic, and patient. She was a daughter, a wonderful loving wife, and teacher." - Dan Horrell, Husband

DOB: 12/04/1972 | Donor: 09/01/2023

Nakeshia Talbert

Recipient: 03/25/2023

Olga Arreola

Recipient: 11/29/2023

Phillip Seymore

Recipient: 10/10/2023

Ramon Tagle Mercado

Recipient: 05/25/2023

Randal Lyle

"I had a sense of call from God to share what I had."

Living Donor: 06/28/2023

Rudy Kebreau

Recipient: 06/28/2023

Sahara Lutke

"Sahara had a big heart and was fiercely loyal. She never judged anyone on looks or quirks and wanted to do it all. She dreamed of being a drummer, artist, actress, and wanted to live as much life as she could, as fast as she could." - Terrie Lutke, Mother

DOB: 04/20/2007 | Donor: 02/20/2023

Sexton Matt Felan

"The transplant has impacted and extended my life for the better in every way. I am now the independent person I was before and can resume achieving my goals I put on hold. I will honor, cherish, and care for this gift with so much love."

Recipient: 06/03/2023

Shelley Griffith

Recipient: 03/02/2023

Sheri Ilene Wingfield

"She loved spending time with her grandkids - Ray, Mason, and Carter. She loved animals and loved donating time to school activities." - William Wingfield, Son

DOB: 07/08/1969 | Donor: 09/13/2023

Shunresha Hamilton

Recipient: 03/06/2023

Stephanie Luna

Recipient: 01/09/2023

Stephen Francis Reeve

"Stephen was an aspiring author. He loved animals, building computers, philosophical discussions, and was never tired of saying "I love you" and giving bear hugs." - Rachel Reeve, Mother

DOB: 04/25/1998 | Donor: 04/27/2023

Tehya Even

Recipient: 05/12/2023

Tifford Watkins

Recipient: 04/17/2023

Timothy Brown

Recipient: 09/07/2023

Veronica Oliva

Recipient: 07/30/2023

William "Butch" Phillips

Recipient: 07/27/2023